Creature ai texts

Материал из YTDB DataBase

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К описанию таблиц базы данных mangos.

Таблица `eventai_texts`

This table holds all the texts used within the eventai (ACID) scripts. This table handles the actual text, display type (say/yell/emote) and corresponding sounds or emote (if any).


Field Type Attributes Null Default Comments
entry int(11) signed NO 0 Text Entry
content_default text YES NULL Default Locale Text
content_loc1 text YES NULL Locale 1 Text
content_loc2 text YES NULL Locale 2 Text
content_loc3 text YES NULL Locale 3 Text
content_loc4 text YES NULL Locale 4 Text
content_loc5 text YES NULL Locale 5 Text
content_loc6 text YES NULL Locale 6 Text
content_loc7 text YES NULL Locale 7 Text
content_loc8 text YES NULL Locale 8 Text
sound int(11) unsigned NO 0 Sound Id
type int(11) unsigned NO 0 Text Type
language int(11) unsigned NO 0 Text Language
emote int(11) unsigned NO 0 Emote Id
comment text YES NULL Comment

Описание полей


This is the entry of the text. It corresponds to a script using Action 1 (ACTION_T_SAY) in the eventai_scripts table. This number is always negative.


This is the actual text presented in the default language (English).


This is the actual text presented in the Localization #(1-8) Clients

Value Localization
1 Korean
2 French
3 German
4 Chinese
5 Taiwanese
6 Spanish
7 Spanish Mexico
8 Russian


This is the sound Id that will play with along with the corresponding text. All sounds are from sounds.dbc.


This is the method the text is displayed.

Value Type
0 Say
1 Yell
2 Text Emote
3 Boss Emote
4 Whisper
5 Boss Whisper


This is the in-game language of the text. Languages are from Languages.dbc.


This is the emote that the creature performs along with the corresponding text.


This field allows you to label a text entry.

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