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`AreaTable` dbc

This dbc contains the zone and subzone lists. For the purposes of this wiki article, only the zone IDs will be included.

Version is : 3.1.3


Field Nb Name Type
1 ID Int
12 Name String


1 Dun Morogh
3 Badlands
4 Blasted Lands
8 Swamp of Sorrows
10 Duskwood
11 Wetlands
12 Elwynn Forest
14 Durotar
15 Dustwallow Marsh
16 Azshara
17 The Barrens
21 Kul Tiras
22 Programmer Isle
25 Blackrock Mountain
28 Western Plaguelands
30 Nine
33 Stranglethorn Vale
36 Alterac Mountains
38 Loch Modan
40 Westfall
41 Deadwind Pass
44 Redridge Mountains
45 Arathi Highlands
46 Burning Steppes
47 The Hinterlands
51 Searing Gorge
65 Dragonblight
66 Zul'Drak
67 The Storm Peaks
85 Tirisfal Glades
130 Silverpine Forest
139 Eastern Plaguelands
141 Teldrassil
148 Darkshore
151 Designer Island
170 Lordamere Lake
206 Utgarde Keep
207 The Great Sea
208 Unused Ironcladcove
209 Shadowfang Keep
210 Icecrown
214 The Great Sea
215 Mulgore
267 Hillsbrad Foothills
268 Azshara Crater
269 Dun Algaz
276 UNUSED Stonewrought Pass
293 Thoradin's Wall
296 South Seas UNUSED
308 The Forbidding Sea
330 Thandol Span
331 Ashenvale
332 The Great Sea
357 Feralas
361 Felwood
377 Southfury River
394 Grizzly Hills
400 Thousand Needles
405 Desolace
406 Stonetalon Mountains
408 Gillijim's Isle
409 Island of Doctor Lapidis
440 Tanaris
457 The Veiled Sea
490 Un'Goro Crater
491 Razorfen Kraul
493 Moonglade
495 Howling Fjord
616 Hyjal
618 Winterspring
676 Outland
717 The Stockade
718 Wailing Caverns
719 Blackfathom Deeps
721 Gnomeregan
722 Razorfen Downs
796 Scarlet Monastery
876 GM Island
956 The Verdant Fields
1176 Zul'Farrak
1196 Utgarde Pinnacle
1337 Uldaman
1377 Silithus
1397 Emerald Forest
1417 Sunken Temple
1477 The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
1497 Undercity
1519 Stormwind City
1537 Ironforge
1579 Unused The Deadmines 002
1581 The Deadmines
1583 Blackrock Spire
1584 Blackrock Depths
1637 Orgrimmar
1638 Thunder Bluff
1657 Darnassus
1941 Caverns of Time
1977 Zul'Gurub
2017 Stratholme
2037 Quel'thalas
2057 Scholomance
2100 Maraudon
2159 Onyxia's Lair
2257 Deeprun Tram
2366 The Black Morass
2367 Old Hillsbrad Foothills
2437 Ragefire Chasm
2557 Dire Maul
2597 Alterac Valley
2677 Blackwing Lair
2717 Molten Core
2817 Crystalsong Forest
2917 Hall of Legends
2918 Champions' Hall
3277 Warsong Gulch
3358 Arathi Basin
3428 Ahn'Qiraj
3429 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
3430 Eversong Woods
3433 Ghostlands
3455 The North Sea
3456 Naxxramas
3457 Karazhan
3459 City
3477 Azjol-Nerub
3478 Gates of Ahn'Qiraj
3479 The Veiled Sea
3483 Hellfire Peninsula
3487 Silvermoon City
3518 Nagrand
3519 Terokkar Forest
3520 Shadowmoon Valley
3521 Zangarmarsh
3522 Blade's Edge Mountains
3523 Netherstorm
3524 Azuremyst Isle
3525 Bloodmyst Isle
3535 Hellfire Citadel
3537 Borean Tundra
3540 Twisting Nether
3557 The Exodar
3562 Hellfire Ramparts
3605 Hyjal Past
3606 Hyjal Summit
3607 Serpentshrine Cavern
3698 Nagrand Arena
3702 Blade's Edge Arena
3703 Shattrath City
3711 Sholazar Basin
3713 The Blood Furnace
3714 The Shattered Halls
3715 The Steamvault
3716 The Underbog
3717 The Slave Pens
3789 Shadow Labyrinth
3790 Auchenai Crypts
3791 Sethekk Halls
3792 Mana-Tombs
3805 Zul'Aman
3817 Testing
3820 Eye of the Storm
3836 Magtheridon's Lair
3845 Tempest Keep
3847 The Botanica
3848 The Arcatraz
3849 The Mechanar
3917 Auchindoun
3923 Gruul's Lair
3948 Brian and Pat Test
3959 Black Temple
3968 Ruins of Lordaeron
3979 The Frozen Sea
4019 Development Land
4075 Sunwell Plateau
4076 Reuse Me 7
4080 Isle of Quel'Danas
4100 The Culling of Stratholme
4131 Magisters' Terrace
4196 Drak'Tharon Keep
4197 Wintergrasp
4201 Vordrassil's Tears
4228 The Oculus
4258 The North Sea
4264 Halls of Stone
4265 The Nexus
4272 Halls of Lightning
4273 Ulduar
4277 Azjol-Nerub
4298 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
4378 Dalaran Arena
4384 Strand of the Ancients
4395 Dalaran
4406 The Ring of Valor
4415 The Violet Hold
4416 Gundrak
4493 The Obsidian Sanctum
4494 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
4500 The Eye of Eternity
4602 Force Interior
4603 Vault of Archavon
4630 The North Sea


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