Spell chain

Материал из YTDB DataBase

Версия от 10:29, 4 апреля 2013; NeatElves (Обсуждение | вклад)
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К описанию таблиц базы данных mangos.

Таблица `spell_chain`

This table defines spell chains. A spell chain is a series of spells which all share the same name and all do the same thing; however, each has a different rank and as the rank increases, so does the spell damage/heal/etc values. This table also controls what spells are replaced by their more powerful later ranks; however, that is also decided by other factors as well (if mana costs for both spells are the same, etc). All fields in this table except rank are spell IDs from Spell.dbc.


Field Type Attributes Null Key Default Comments
spell_id mediumint(9) NO PRI 0
prev_spell mediumint(9) NO 0
first_spell mediumint(9) NO 0
rank tinyint(4) NO 0
req_spell mediumint(9) NO 0

Описание полей


Идентификатор текущего заклинания в данной цепочке. См. Spell.dbc


The spell that came before the spell in spell_id. If the spell defined above is the first rank, then this field MUST be 0. If the spell chain is such that new ranks supersede older ranks, then the spell in this field will be unlearned when the spell in spell_id is learned.


The very first spell in the chain. The spell put in this field is usually the Rank 1 spell version in the chain. If the ID used in spell_id is equal to the ID in this field (meaning that the spell we are looking at is the first one in the chain), then the rank must be either 0 or 1.


Поле определяет ранг заклинания из spell_id.

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