Spell learn spell

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Таблица `spell_learn_spell`

This table holds information on spells that should be learned at the same time a player learns another spell. For example the few spells that are automatically learned when a player first learns a new profession. All fields in this table use spell IDs from Spell.dbc

NOTE: Spells with spell effects SPELL_EFFECT_LEARN_SPELL should NOT be included in this table.


Field Type Attributes Null Key Default Comments
entry smallint(5) unsigned NO PRI 0
SpellID smallint(5) unsigned NO PRI 0
Active tinyint(3) unsigned NO 1

Описание полей


Идентификатор заклинания, которое игрок может выучить у тренера или командой (.learn).


Идентификатор заклинания, которое будет выучено автоматически, как только игрок выучит заклинание, указанное в entry.


Controls if the spell appears in the players spell book upon learning.
0 - The spell does not appear in the spell book.
1 - The spell does appear in the spell book.

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