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Версия от 16:39, 12 марта 2012; NeatElves (Обсуждение | вклад)
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К описанию DBC файлов.

`Languages` dbc

This dbc contains languages that can be used in texts. The player must have competence in this language to understand what is written.

Version is : 3.1.3


Field Nb Name Type
1 ID Int
2 Name String


IDНазваниеInternal NameDescription
0УниверсальныйUNIVERSALText in this language is understood by ALL Races.
1Оркский(Орда)ORCISHText in this language is understood ONLY by Horde Races.
2ДарнасскийDARNASSIANText in this language is understood ONLY by the Night Elf Race.
3Язык таурахэ(таурены)TAURAHEText in this language is understood ONLY by the Tauren Race.
6ДворфийскийDWARVISHText in this language is understood ONLY by the Dwarf Race.
7Общий(Альянс)COMMONText in this language is understood ONLY by Alliance Races.
8ДемоническийDEMONICText in this language is understood ONLY by the Demon Race (Not Implimented).
9Наречие титановTITANThis language was used by Sargeras to speak with other Titians (Not Implemented).
10ТалассийскийTHALASSIANText in this language is understood ONLY by the Blood Elf Race.
11ДрагонийDRACONICText in this language is understood ONLY by the Dragon Race.
12Язык стихий – КалимагKALIMAGText will display as Kalimag (not readable by players, language of all elementals)
13ГномскийGNOMISHText in this language is understood ONLY by the Gnome Race.
14Наречие троллейTROLLText in this language is understood ONLY by the Troll Race.
33Наречие нежитиGUTTERSPEAKText in this language is understood ONLY by the Undead Race.
35ДренейскийDRAENEIText in this language is understood ONLY by the Draenai Race.
36Язык зомбиZOMBIE(not currently used?)
37Гномский бинарныйGNOMISH BINARYBinary language used by Alliance when drinking Binary Brew
38Гоблинский бинарныйGOBLIN BINARYBinary language used by Horce when drinking Binary Brew
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