Battleground template

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The `battleground_template` table

Contains information about the different battlegrounds, like how many players are needed to start, how many can be inside the same one, and the locations where each side starts.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI
MinPlayersPerTeam smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
MaxPlayersPerTeam smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
MinLvl tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
MaxLvl tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
AllianceStartLoc mediumint(8) unsigned NO
AllianceStartO float NO
HordeStartLoc mediumint(8) unsigned NO
HordeStartO float NO

Description of the fields


The battleground ID. See BattlemasterList.dbc

ID Type
1 Alterac Valley
2 Warsong Gulch
3 Arathi Basin
4 Nagrand Arena
5 Blade's Edge Arena
6 All Arena
7 Eye of the Storm
8 Ruins of Lordaeron
9 Strand of the Ancients
10 Dalaran Sewers
11 The Ring of Valor


Controls the minimum number of players that need to join the battleground on each faction side for the battleground to start. For the battleground to start, all characters (between min and max player values) must be in the same tier. Tiers are set up in ranges of 10 levels except for level 70. So the first tier is 10-19, the next are 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and finally 70. If characters of different tiers all join the queue, they will join their respective tier's queue and wait for more players of their tier to join the queue. Characters in different tiers can never join the same battleground.


Controls how many players from each team can join the battleground.
NOTE2: If left to be 0, mangos will use the default DBC value.


The minimum level that players need to be in order to join the battleground.
NOTE: If left to be 0, mangos will use the default DBC value.


The maximum level that players can be to enter the battleground.
NOTE: If left to be 0, mangos will use the default DBC value.


The location where the alliance players get teleported to when the battleground first starts. See WorldSafeLocs.dbc


The orientation of the alliance players upon teleport into the battleground. North is 0, south is Pi (3.14159).


The location where the horde players get teleported to when the battleground first starts. See WorldSafeLocs.dbc


The orientation of the horde players upon teleport into the battleground. North is 0, south is Pi (3.14159).

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