Game event creature data

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К описанию таблиц базы данных mangos.

The `game_event_model_equip` table

Contains all creature instances that need to change display id and/or equipment during defined game events.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI
modelid int(11) unsigned NO 0
equipment_id int(11) unsigned NO 0
event mediumint(9) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


Guid of the creature participating in the event (creature.guid)


New model to be used while the event is active (Refers to creature_model_info.modelid) Use 0 if only the equipment is to be changed during event.


New equipment to be used during the event (Refers to creature_equip_template.entry)) Use 0 if only the model is to be changed during event.


Entry of the event (game_event.entry)

  • In this table, event entry can only be positive