Материал из YTDB DataBase
К описанию DBC файлов.
`Languages` dbc
This dbc contains languages that can be used in texts. The player must have competence in this language to understand what is written.
Version is : 3.1.3
Field Nb | Name | Type |
1 | ID | Int |
2 | Name | String |
ID | Название | Internal Name | Description |
0 | Универсальный | UNIVERSAL | Text in this language is understood by ALL Races. |
1 | Оркский(Орда) | ORCISH | Text in this language is understood ONLY by Horde Races. |
2 | Дарнасский | DARNASSIAN | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Night Elf Race. |
3 | Язык таурахэ(таурены) | TAURAHE | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Tauren Race. |
6 | Дворфийский | DWARVISH | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Dwarf Race. |
7 | Общий(Альянс) | COMMON | Text in this language is understood ONLY by Alliance Races. |
8 | Демонический | DEMONIC | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Demon Race (Not Implimented). |
9 | Наречие титанов | TITAN | This language was used by Sargeras to speak with other Titians (Not Implemented). |
10 | Талассийский | THALASSIAN | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Blood Elf Race. |
11 | Драгоний | DRACONIC | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Dragon Race. |
12 | Язык стихий – Калимаг | KALIMAG | Text will display as Kalimag (not readable by players, language of all elementals) |
13 | Гномский | GNOMISH | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Gnome Race. |
14 | Наречие троллей | TROLL | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Troll Race. |
33 | Наречие нежити | GUTTERSPEAK | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Undead Race. |
35 | Дренейский | DRAENEI | Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Draenai Race. |
36 | Язык зомби | ZOMBIE | (not currently used?) |
37 | Гномский бинарный | GNOMISH BINARY | Binary language used by Alliance when drinking Binary Brew |
38 | Гоблинский бинарный | GOBLIN BINARY | Binary language used by Horce when drinking Binary Brew |